DLC天外世界 原声集 (Steam版)

The Outer Worlds - Original Soundtrack (Steam)
天外世界 原声集 (Steam版) The Outer Worlds - Original Soundtrack (Steam) 杉果游戏 sonkwo


聆听作曲家Justin E. Bell的动听配乐,感受《The Outer Worlds》的激荡情怀。《The Outer Worlds》(原声音乐)特包含43首曲目,均出自这款备受赞誉的RPG游戏作品。

精选曲目由一支70人管弦乐团演奏,独奏部分出自国际知名的专业低音长笛演奏家Peter Sheridan。Peter所演奏的倍低音和倍大低音长笛并不十分多见,你可以在“Hope”(主题曲)的开头听到它。


  1. Hope (Title Theme)
  2. Hope, Forever
  3. Left Adrift (Character Creation)
  4. Phineas Escapes
  5. Stranger in a Strange Land
  6. Journey's Beginning
  7. Emerald Vale
  8. Our Heroes Stamp out Dissonance
  9. Edgewater
  10. Choice and Consequence
  11. We're All Counting on You
  12. The Scientist
  13. Beware the Freelancer
  14. It's Not the Best Choice!
  15. Groundbreaker
  16. Stellar Bay
  17. The Unreliable
  18. Journey's End (End Slides)
  19. Human Resource Violations
  20. It's Rizzo's!
  21. Live Free, Die Free
  22. Elevator Hope
  23. Monarch
  24. Byzantium
  25. Terraforming, One Bullet at a Time
  26. Prosperity Awaits You in the Stars
  27. The Hope
  28. Roseway
  29. Shady Corporate Town…
  30. Soldiers Earning Their Bonus
  31. Better Than Nature!
  32. Skip the Hope
  33. Scylla
  34. Tartarus
  35. Dissident Hunters
  36. Simply the Best!
  37. Exploring, but Only During Our Breaks
  38. Bureau of Exploration's Employee of the Month
  39. The Age of Halcyon
  40. Pink Slip Protocol
  41. We Know Our C's and P's!
  42. Searching for, and Rooting out, Philosophism
  43. Hope (Ragtime)


艺术家: Justin E. Bell
作曲: Justin E. Bell
标签: Private Division