
Murder Is Game Over: Deal Killer


A new murder mystery to solve! “Deal Killer” takes Detective Guy and Cleo the clue-sniffing dog to the remote heights of the Italian Alps to solve the murder of a powerful businessman. A prominent video game publishing executive has summoned our detective duo to an isolated mountain chalet for a private party celebrating a major corporate deal, but he’s found dead shortly after their arrival. The victim’s inner circle is full of back-stabbing enemies, and there’s also a local legend about a ghostly harbinger of death to contend with. Stranded in a horrendous blizzard, can Detective Guy and Cleo solve this baffling mystery before the case goes cold?


  • Solve a murder mystery
  • Search for clues
  • Interview suspects
  • Explain the solution
  • New disguise mechanic
  • Third game in "Murder Is Game Over" series