DLC远征飞马系 原声音轨

The Pegasus Expedition Digital Soundtrack
远征飞马系 原声音轨 The Pegasus Expedition Digital Soundtrack 杉果游戏 sonkwo


A sense of wonder and discovery, with contrasting tones of epic scale and desperation of humanity facing extinction – these are the emotions and atmosphere the music of The Pegasus Expedition instills. The composer and performer, Adam Al-Sawad, expertly mixes the ethereal sound of a lone, echoing minimalist piano together with deep synths and the occasional post-rock guitar to make listeners feel as if they are desperately drifting through space, looking for a solution to humanity’s woes. Combined with the amazing voice of Vantorea, the talented vocalist featured in many of the songs, The Pegasus Expedition Digital Soundtrack can provide pleasant background music not just for your playthroughs, but daily lives as well.

ARTIST: Adam Al-Sawad