DLC穿越林间 音轨包

Through the Woods - Soundtrack
穿越林间 音轨包 Through the Woods - Soundtrack 杉果游戏 sonkwo


由《Daniel Wakefield》作曲,这款官方音轨包将会带你走进挪威寒冷的森林。聆听30首游戏原声,聆听一位母亲寻找自己失踪儿子的绝望。


  1. The Cabin Theme
  2. Espen's Theme
  3. The Treehouse
  4. Nightfall
  5. Hot Chocolate
  6. Shock
  7. The Island Theme
  8. Sticks and Stones
  9. Myrkstad
  10. The Forest Theme
  11. The Lumberer
  12. Weeping Island Theme
  13. Feast
  14. The Hissing Creature
  15. The Climb Theme
  16. The Rumbler
  17. The Tree
  18. The Room
  19. Ravine Theme
  20. The Growlers
  21. Mire Theme
  22. The Vision
  23. The Mountain Theme
  24. Confrontation
  25. The Return
  26. Little Man
  27. Wanderer
  28. Credits Theme
  29. Bonus Track - The Wending Wind
  30. Bonus Track - I know What You Are